Between February 8th and 10th, GRUPO INTELLI underwent the recertification process for the ABNT eco-label.

The program is a voluntary certification of products and services, developed in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO 14020 and ABNT NBR ISO 14024 standards. The label awarded to GRUPO INTELLI is classified as a Type I Label, which is a third-party certification. This type of label takes into account the life cycle of products, aiming to reduce negative environmental impacts at all stages of the product life cycle: resource extraction, manufacturing, distribution, use, and disposal.

The ABNT Eco-Label aims to stimulate the demand and supply of environmentally responsible products and services, ensuring consumer confidence in the information provided.

The audit scope covered the lines of wires, cables, strands, and bimetallics in 4 units, with no deviations, observations, or opportunities for improvement noted, resulting in the certificate being granted once again.

GRUPO INTELLI congratulates the entire team for their dedication and handling of the evidence.